Submitted by kehitys on

Traditionally cast-in anchors have been only used for fastening e.g. in supporting concrete elements. The threaded anchors of Salon Tukituote function both as cast-in and lifting anchors e.g. when lifting concrete slabs and balcony elements.

As our threaded anchors are manufactured out of stainless steel bars the base of the anchor is solid. This ensures that there will be no rust seepages from our stainless steel anchors.

Threaded anchors are available in standard, stainless (A2 quality) and acid proof steel (A4 quality) as well as galvanized, depending on the end use.

Anchors that are visible on the surface of the element after installation can easily be covered with a specially designed plastic cover of which we have several colors to choose from.

Product test results and certifications:

!. Approval no: 338 awarded by the Concrete Association of Finland

2. VTT-Technical Research Center of Finland product evaluation no: RTE3328/05 9.9.200

3. VTT-Technical Research Center of Finland product evaluation no: RTE3261/04 8.10.2004

We have a broad range of products for fastening anchors to frameworks such as holding discs and magnetic hoders.

For more information: (linkki PDF:N Tukituote_nostoankkurit_parveke_V1)